Why Emails are Essential for Course Creators

Posted On Dec 26, 2022 |

Emails are one of the best ways to build a relationship with your students or subscribers. In this post, you will find out how they can work for you.

What Is An Email Sequence?

Email sequences are an incredibly powerful tool for any online business. They allow you to automate your marketing efforts and reach out to your subscribers with relevant messages. With email sequences, you can send a series of emails based on well-defined targeting criteria over a specific timeframe. This allows you to nurture relationships with your subscribers and increase engagement with them over time.

For example, a welcome sequence is designed to introduce new subscribers to your brand and usually consists of 3 to 5 emails. These automated sequences can be highly effective in increasing conversions as they provide personalized content that resonates with the user’s interests or needs. Email sequences also save time as they do not require manual effort from you or your team members every time someone subscribes.

The Benefits Of Using Email Sequences For Online Courses

Email sequences are a powerful tool for online course creators and digital product owners. They allow you to automate your marketing efforts, freeing up time and energy to focus on other aspects of your business. Automated email sequences can help you build relationships with your audience, establish yourself as an expert in the field, and provide uninterrupted access to your subscribers’ inboxes.

The benefits of using automated email sequences are numerous. By regularly engaging with your audience, you can build trust and loyalty over time. You can also share valuable free content and actionable advice. Additionally, automated email sequences give you direct access to your subscribers' inboxes so that you can stay top-of-mind even when they're not actively engaging with your course or product. This helps ensure that they remain engaged and continue to purchase from you in the future.

Write a Compelling Email Subject

Emails are Essential for Course Creators - compelling email subject

The email subject is one of the most important elements of any email marketing campaign. It's the first thing your potential customers will see, and it needs to be compelling enough to make them want to open your email. A good email subject should be short, concise, and attention-grabbing. It should also accurately reflect what's inside the email so that readers know what they're getting when they open it.

When crafting an effective email subject for your niche or course, think about what will make your subscriber click and want to read it, and how you can communicate that in a few words. Make sure you use actionable language such as "Learn," "Discover," or "Unlock" to encourage readers to take action and click through to learn more about your offer. Additionally, consider using personalization tactics such as including the recipient's name in the subject line or using emojis to add a bit of fun and personality. Ensure your email subject is backed up by the content in the email; this creates trust with your subscriber, as you deliver on what you promise.

Make It Personal

Personalizing emails to your students or subscribers is an effective way to get them to read through your message. It helps create a connection between you and the student, making them more likely to pay attention and take action on what you’re saying. Automating emails with the subscriber’s first name is one of the easiest ways to personalize your messages. This small detail can make a huge difference in how your students perceive your message and how likely they are to act on it. Of course, you can do this within the Zenler system very easily.

In addition, personalizing emails also shows that you care about each individual student’s well-being and success. You can use this as an opportunity to provide personalized advice or resources that are tailored specifically to a student's needs. By taking the time to personalize each email, you show that you value their time and effort, which will help build trust between you and your students.

Don't Bombard Your Subscribers

Emails are essential for course creators - Don't Bombard Your Subscribers

Sending too many emails to your students/subscribers can be a huge mistake. It’s important to give them some breathing space and not bombard them with emails every day. You want to ensure that your brand stays in their minds, but you also don’t want to overwhelm them with messages. From my experience, the open rate is higher when you send emails either once a week or two times a week. This way, your students will have enough time to digest the information and take action on it. Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule; knowing your audience will help you determine how frequently to send emails.

Alternatively, you can conduct an A/B test (split test) to determine the perfect frequency for sending emails to your students. This way, you can get an accurate picture of how often they would like to receive messages from you. However, this should only be done for educational emails and not promotional ones, as this could lead to unsubscribes and lower engagement rates. By striking the right balance between staying in touch with your students and giving them enough space, you can ensure that they remain engaged with your content and continue learning from your courses.

Test Your Emails

Sending an email campaign without testing it first can be a costly mistake. Not only can it lead to embarrassing typos and formatting errors, but it can also cause links to not work properly or the email to look different on mobile devices than on desktops. That’s why it's important to test your emails before sending them out.

New Zenler offers the ability to send a test email to yourself, so you can check for any mistakes and make sure everything looks as intended. This way, you can be sure that when your subscribers open the email, they will have the best experience possible. Testing your emails before sending them out is a great practice that will help ensure that your campaigns are successful and well-received by your audience.

Make Your Email Look Good

Emails are Essential for Course Creators - Make Your Email Look Good

Finally, make sure your emails look professional and reflect your brand and business properly. Spending just a little time on the appearance of your emails will go a long way in showing your students/subscribers how your courses will look when they visit your site.


Emails are an important part of any course creator's business. Crafting different sequences, whether through broadcasts, funnels, or course enrolments, is critical to deepening the relationships between you and your students/subscribers.

Categories: : Zenler Marketing Help/Advice

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